Check out my playlist of music on narcissism, psychopathy, toxic behaviours and mental health.
Come What May — Madredeus: Portuguese Music Translation
Discover the lyrics to Haja o que Houver performed by the Portuguese group Madredeus and an image that reminds me of this song.
Anabela — Renato Braz: Brazilian Music Translation
Discover the lyrics to Anabela performed by Brazilian singer Renato Braz and an image that reminds me of this song.
Simple Desire — Luciana Mello: Brazilian Music Translation
Discover the lyrics to Simples Desejo by Brazilian singer Luciana Mello and an image that reminds me of this song.
Not Even a Day — Djavan: Brazilian Music Translation
Discover the lyrics to Nem Um Dia by Brazilian singer Djavan and an image that reminds me of this song.
Apple Killed Primephonic: How Tech Giants Are Dictating World Culture Consumption
Based on the classical music app Primephonic case acquired by Apple Music, I build reflections on tech giants’ monopolies.