Discover the lyrics to Simples Desejo by Brazilian singer Luciana Mello and an image that reminds me of this song.
Not Even a Day — Djavan: Brazilian Music Translation
Discover the lyrics to Nem Um Dia by Brazilian singer Djavan and an image that reminds me of this song.
2nd Anniversary of This Platform: Why Did I Stop Publishing on This Blog?
The English version of this platform celebrates its second anniversary today. In this post, I explain why I disappeared this year and thank the thousands of readers worldwide who follow this blog.
Kill the intelligent and skilled
The Arab traveller Ibn Fadlān reports on the ancient Slavic custom of killing people who knew too much. In this post, I briefly discuss the impact of social media on the spread of anti-intellectualism.
Reflections on the challenges of translating Portuguese into English: 1st Anniversary of This Blog
In this commemorative text of this blog’s first anniversary, I talk a little about Brazilian culture, English study, and my translation process.
Augmented Reality and Accessibility in Museums: Book Chapter
This post presents an accessibility experience with augmented reality at the MASP museum. This text is part of my new book chapter.
The Maths of Productivity Progress: Adopting a New Habit and Then Quitting
Do you think it is hard to keep a new habit? Then join the club! In this post, I reflect on how we should “calculate” our progress.
Glass Half: A Criticism of Art Criticism
This cartoon, developed with the free software Blender, provides an excellent review from art critics.
Letter to Brazilians in defence of the Democratic Rule of Law
More than one million Brazilians and I signed this letter defending democracy and freedom in Brazil. In civic vigil against attempts at ruptures, we cry out in unison: Democratic Rule of Law Always!
Academic Productivity and Digital Addiction: The Abyss Between Those Who Dominate New Technologies and Those Who Are Dominated by Them
This post discusses the impacts of the digital revolution on academic productivity and the crises associated with the Internet and cell phone addiction.